List of Publications

Peer-reviewed Journal Papers:

  1. A.Islam, S. Chevalier,I. Ben Salem, Y. Bernabe, R. Juanes, M. Sassi (2014), “Characterization of the crossover from capillary invasion to viscous fingering to fracturing during drainage in a vertical 2D porous medium,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Volume 58, January 2014, Pages 279-291 
  2. R. S. Devarapalli, A. Islam, T. F. Faisal, M. Sassi, M. Jouiad, “Micro-CT and FIB-SEM imaging and Pore Structure Characterization of Dolomite Rock at Multiple Scales,” Arabian Journal of Geosciences (10:361), August 2017 
  3. A. Islam, S. Chevalier, I. Ben Salem, M. Sassi, “Numerical Simulation of Gas Injection in Vertical Water Saturated Porous Media,” Environmental Modeling & Assessment, Dec. 2017, p.1-11 
  4. A. Islam, S. Chevalier, M. Sassi “Structural characterization and numerical simulations of flow properties of standard and reservoir carbonate rocks using micro-tomography,” Computers & Geosciences, vol. 113, pp. 14-22, 2018 
  5. A. Islam, T. F. Faisal, S. Chevalier, M. Jouini , M. Sassi, “Multi-scale experimental and numerical simulation workflow of absolute permeability in heterogeneous carbonates,”  Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 173, February 2019, Pages 326-338

Google Scholar List of Publications: Link Here

Co-written Medium posts:

Selected posts:

  1. The Sales Cycle
  2. Anatomy of a Sales Pitch that Wins Every Single Time
  3. How to Build a High-Performance Sales Team
  4. Mistakes to Avoid as a Startup While Fundraising

Selected posts:

  1. Work on More than Your Resume to Get Hired in 2019
  2. Are You a Specialist or a Problem Solver?
  3. The Future of Work is Mission Driven